Hard to believe, summer almost over, and time for your submissions for the September CLARION. Deadline soon, 5PM (Walpole Time) Tuesday, August 22. Early submissions are always better to aid us in preparing a pleasing publication for your enjoyment. Submission guidelines, and contact email are on the CLARION website.

Remember, this is “your community resource” to share information about your group – its activities and events residents will enjoy attending. And, having a nice mix of articles for readers, I welcome “feel good” news of past local events, stories and accomplishments to share. All subject to space, of course, space that is made possible by the CLARION’s supporting advertisers. We all owe them a big “thank you.”

If you have any questions, or interest in placing an advertisement, reaching over 1900 Walpole, North Walpole and Drewsville addresses, I welcome your inquiries, so please do get in touch with me. Advertising information and contact information is on the CLARION website.

Thank you, yours, RAY BOAS, Publisher

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